How much is ‘Nature’ and how much is ‘Nurture’?

Nature versus nurture, the age-old debate that seeks to unravel the mysteries of human development and personality. It’s a question that we often get from intended parents who are considering donor eggs: “What effect will the egg donor’s genetics have on my baby’s development?”

At Nurture, we take every precaution to ensure our egg donors are healthy in every way so your little bundle can get the best possible start in life. However, we’ve been doing what we’re doing for a very long time, and we can say this with confidence: your baby’s well-being will stem from the environment you create for them. The genetics of the egg donor may provide the framework, but your love and encouragement will colour the picture and determine dimension. How can we be so sure of this? Well, we’ve seen it in real life, but we’re also looking at recent scientific evidence.

Professor Lisa Feldman Barret says the wiring of our brains begins in the first few months of life. The rich tapestry of sensory information shapes the connections between neurons through a process called plasticity. It’s a dynamic dance where some networks are strengthened, and others are pruned away to make room for more useful ones.

Barret says our interaction with other people, particularly caregivers, is a significant contributor to this sensory dance. Our brains become finely tuned to the nuances of their behaviour, habits, speech patterns, food preferences, and many more factors. Even seemingly inborn emotions like joy, sadness, and fear are not immune to the influence of the environment. How we interpret facial expressions varies across societies, with different cultural backgrounds shaping our perceptions. What feels automatic and inherited is, in fact, a product of our cultural context.

The impact of the environment even extends beyond individual development to the genetic evolution of our entire species! Social dynamics, influenced by factors like wealth, social class, laws, and human inventions, shape people’s decisions and actions. The choices we make, from vaccinations to ideological beliefs, ripple through the gene pool, influencing the trajectory of our children’s future.

In essence, the nature versus nurture debate is an oversimplification. It’s not a question of either/or but a recognition that our nature requires nurture. We are not passive recipients of predetermined traits, but active participants in the ongoing process of our children’s view of the world. While genes deliver the blueprint, the environment activates certain genes and suppresses others through epigenetics, which alters gene activity without changing the DNA sequence itself.

During pregnancy, a mother’s influence on epigenetics becomes particularly significant. The prenatal environment she provides – from her diet and physical activity to her emotional well-being – can induce changes in the baby’s genetic expression. The prenatal period is a critical window where epigenetic processes bridge the gap between genetics and environment.

When we look at the complete picture, your baby’s well-being starts with the in-utero environment you create for them when you are pregnant. After birth, their potential hinges on the milieu you craft for them as parents. The genetic makeup of the egg cell brings the building material, but the environment determines how the bricks are laid.

At Nurture, we’ve been where you are now – many of our dedicated team members are seasoned infertility veterans who are now proud parents. We know it’s not an easy journey, but we also know that the end of the rainbow has so much potential for you as parents-in-waiting. Nurture is your trusted partner throughout the entire process of selecting an ideal egg donor. We understand the complexities and feelings involved and are dedicated to assisting you every step of the way. If you are ready to embark on this journey of receiving an egg from a donor, reach out to us today, our dedicated team at Nurture is ready to provide care, support and a hand to hold.

Will My Baby Look Like My Egg Donor?

How Future Parents Choose Their Ideal Egg Donor

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Tertia Albertyn is the founder of Nurture - South Africa’s longest-running and most successful Egg Donation Program. An accomplished speaker and an award-winning published author, as well as an ex-infertility patient herself, she is highly regarded in South Africa and internationally for the work she does in infertility. Tertia was instrumental in establishing the first FDA-approved frozen donor egg bank in Africa. Tertia has an MBA from the University of Cape Town and lives in Cape Town, South Africa with her husband and three children.