Nurture Egg Donor Program
Surrogacy Support

Starting 1st April 2010, surrogacy in South Africa underwent significant changes due to the new Children’s Act. Prior to this act, there was no legal framework for surrogacy, leaving both intended parents and surrogate mothers without protection or clear guidelines. This legislation now provides clear definitions and legal protection for surrogate mothers, intended parents, and, importantly, the rights of the unborn child. For those looking into surrogacy through a surrogate agency or exploring surrogate agencies in South Africa, this act ensures a more secure and legally defined process. As individuals navigate the path of surrogacy with the assistance of surrogate agencies, it's important to understand how these changes impact the surrogacy journey. Ensuring the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved are clearly outlined, the new Children's Act marks a significant step forward for surrogacy in South Africa, guiding both surrogate agencies and those embarking on this journey toward a well-regulated and protected experience.
It is against this background that Nurture co-founded the Surrogacy Advisory Group (, the country’s first non-profit surrogacy support program, offering support and advice to our wonderful surrogate mothers and our hopeful intended parents.
For more information about surrogacy please visit the Surrogacy Advisory Group at