The Doctor retrieved 20 beautiful eggs today. I hope and pray that when they do the blood test that it will come back positive.
I feel a little sad because there won’t be visits to the Dr anymore, I’m going to miss all the friendly faces at the Cape Fertility Clinic. I would like to say thank you to Dr Matebese – she’s just awesome! Thanks to the Nurse who gave me two warm water bottles and two blankets because I was shivering after the retrieval, but there was no pain at all, and also to the other kind nurse who held my hand until I was asleep, thank you very much! They are all such wonderful people.
Thank you to you Melany for your support, I do appreciate it and to the rest of the Nurture team, you’re awesome!
A message to my recipient:
Thank you very much for choosing me to be your donor, I’m sure there were plenty to choose from but still you chose me. I feel so blessed and honoured, oh gosh I’m gonna cry…
You have no idea what this means to me, I cannot describe it in words, even if I want to.
The gift: I have no idea how you knew I would love it so much, I couldn’t wait to get home to fit it on. I totally love it, thank you so very much, I appreciate it!
In the meantime I’ll be praying non-stop for a miracle.
Thanks again to everyone.
Posted in Egg Donor