Awesome message from one of our egg donors on her Nurture application
“Dear prospective recipient, As long as I can remember, I have believed that choice is the most important thing we have. Some families were blessed with a healthy compliant body, one that would allow them to thrive and grow a baby, but there are some very deserving families, that for whatever reason, have not been…
Read MoreEgg Donor Recipient – “I think I’m the luckiest mumma in the world!”
“I am loving every day with our baby girl. She is nearly 9 months old and so funny and cheeky. She is trying to walk and talk and is generally inquisitive of everything. I think I’m the luckiest mumma in the world! You are all still in my thoughts, I am very grateful and thankful…
Read MoreChanging lives forever
Have you ever wanted something SOOO desperately – you absolutely have to, h-a-a-a-a-a-v-e to have it ……but despite all efforts were unable to? (And we’re not talking about a Louis Vuitton handbag here!) Or, perhaps you were able to get what you really, really wanted, but you needed the help of an incredibly special “stranger”…
Read More“Egg donation: The ultimate gift”
“After years of not being able to fall pregnant more South African women are turning to egg donation IVF to become mothers. Dominique Oosthuizen explores how through egg donation women struggling to fall pregnant can have children. Receiving the gift of life Slowly the eggs (oocytes) are extracted through the vagina of the donor with…
Read MoreHow many people does it take to make a baby?
TWO……We hear you say!!! Well, nope, nowhere close! That would be the answer in ‘normal’ circumstances, but when a recipient is medically unable to conceive on their own and decides to enlist the assistance of an egg donor to have a baby, we are talking about a whole team of people – in fact you would…
Read More“I thank you for your part in my journey”
A heart warming message from an amazing recipient who’s donor donated a second time, so that she, the recipient will have the opportunity to have a biological sibling for her first child: “I had my 7 week appointment with the Dr today and I am so pleased to say I am pregnant with TWO beautiful babies!!…
Read More15 reasons to get off the fence and become an egg donor…
You’ll get to witness the wonders of modern medicine first hand. It will make you feel powerful in your ability to make positive social change. Many women and men desperately need eggs to make their families, and you could help them do that. The entire egg donation process only takes 2-3 months, and only 2…
Read MoreHow to find a suitable egg donor ?
Once people have decided to enlist the assistance of an egg donor to have a baby, they need to find a suitable egg donor. Something that if done on your own, can feel very much like going on a blind date, blind-folded. Selecting an egg donor is not too unlike online dating where you can…
Read MoreNurture gals….privileged to be working from home
The fabulous Nurture gals are very fortunate to have the privilege of working from home (some may call it a blessing!). Admittedly it does pose its challenges i.e. knowing when to stop working (because we absolutely LOVE what we do!), knowing how to say no to those friends who want to go hang out at…
Read MoreWhat makes a good Egg Donor Agency?
When you’ve made the important decision to start or expand your family through egg donation, the next vital step you need to take is to select a reputable egg donation agency. A great egg donation agency is a bit like a doctor with a great bedside manner. An understanding best friend who is always willing…
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