We know many of our amazing egg donors can so relate! They’ve planned around it and eagerly anticipated their donation for months. The fabulous Nurture team, your friends, partners & families have all been right behind you and as excited! You’ve survived the needles, got through the many doctor’s appointments, sailed through the treatment plan, become the best of friends with the clinic staff, bonded with the amazing specialists Nurture work with, had your retrieval and handed over a few of your precious eggs.…….whooohooo… what a ride! And so, is that it, now what? What do they mean I can’t do another donation immediately, next month? Hold onto your horses gorgeous, we care about you and the well being of your clever ovaries just a little too much! Nurture will be in touch during the month following the donation with the various options available to you.
Our incredibly special Nurture donors become egg donors as they are compassionate, have huge hearts, care about their fellow human beings out there, want to bring happiness and make a positive difference in someone else’s life and are genuinely amazing people. True story. They are committed and go into the process wholeheartedly, and the process is so consuming for that short period, that when their part is over, it is sometimes hard not to feel a little pushed aside, forgotten, empty or sad 🙁
This often rings so true, especially when the recipient couple is pregnant, ecstatic beyond words and their focus now moves away from “hold your breath” and “keep everything crossed” treatments to an exciting new future of celebrating and planning for the family life they’ve longed for, without our fabulous donors none of this would be possible. Whether pregnant or not – YOU have given them hope – Thank You!
The majority of couples who have gone the egg donation route have travelled an incredibly difficult and emotionally taxing journey, having tried for years to reach their dream of having a family. Although some couples are happy to maintain contact with Nurture and their donor (via Nurture) and many do so amongst the excitement in the early stages of pregnancy and parenthood, many often want to put all their infertility pain behind them, to enjoy the pregnancy, their new long awaited family and to feel like a normal family……finally! In order to do so many find it necessary to disconnect from everything concerned with their pre-pregnancy journey, and thus typically keep in touch less often. Don’t take it personally – you have done your bit & it’s time to move forward.
Nurture egg donors are not forgotten, no ways, never ever, not in a million years! Not by Nurture, neither by the recipient parents, we can absolutely assure you of this. Our recipient testimonials are proof of that and many cannot put the immense gratitude they feel into words. You will always be remembered for having done something so incredibly special and owe it to yourself to be super proud of your precious and treasured gift – the feelings of pride and achievement that go with it are fully earned and truly deserved – they can never be taken away and are with you for life.
Remember – YOU make US possible 🙂