Nurture Egg Donor Program

The Nurture Blog

Fertility tourism becoming trendy and more affordable

In the world of assisted fertility, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is nothing new, according to a recent story on And for women 40 and over, donor egg IVF – where eggs from a younger, more fertile donor are fertilized with the partner’s sperm, cultivated and then transferred to the prospective...
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Donating eggs has no effect on your fertility, and other important facts you need to know

The case for egg donation: why it should be seen in a good light. By Tertia Albertyn Some say it is tantamount to exploitation of women’s bodies. The uninformed accuse those who participate of ‘selling their bodies’. The activity that is evoking such harsh and often over emotional reactions has...
Read More about Donating eggs has no effect on your fertility, and other important facts you need to know