Nurture Egg Donor Program
The Nurture Blog
Egg donation does not affect fertility, says Reuters Health
Donating eggs does not appear to hurt a woman's chances of becoming pregnant in the years after the procedure, a small study from Belgium found. Few other studies have looked at the effects of egg-harvesting procedures on the future reproductive health of women who donate eggs. Some experts question whether...
Egg donation is legal, ethical and regulated in South Africa
Egg donors are healthy, young – between the ages of 21 and 34 years old – women who voluntarily undergoes hormonal and medical treatment so that their eggs can be given to people who have no other hope of conceiving a child. It is a great act of kindness –...
Scientists can stop menopause with ovary transplants
Women may soon be able to forgo the menopause after scientists hailed a major breakthrough in the success of transplanted ovaries, reports The Daily Mail. It comes after the cases of three ladies who all conceived naturally and gave birth to seven babies after receiving ovary transplants. Medical experts believe...
“I’m glad I’m just glad that I could help pave the way a little” – one donor’s story
Candace Whitehead is one of Nurture's most loved recipient as she's been so vocal in sharing her story, and encouraging others to donate too. Here she tells her donor story, which first appeared on iafrica. I have been asked so many times since I started all of this: "Why donate...
Men who are overweight or obese are at greater risk of infertility
Men who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk for infertility, says a report in Compared with men of normal weight, overweight and obese men were more likely to have low sperm count, or not have any viable sperm, researchers in France found. "These data strongly suggest...
One child, two biological mothers
The court recognises two biological mothers after egg from one woman was removed, fertilized and placed into second woman, reports The Jerusalem Post. Two women, who were both intrinsically involved in bringing a child into the world, were recognized on Sunday as the child’s biological mothers by the Ramat Gan...
An overseas Nurture recipient shares her good news
When Tertia asked me to tell about my experience, I had two parallel internal responses: one is that I prefer not to talk about it, and keep the whole thing to myself in order to preserve my privacy. The other was that I really would like to help Tertia to...
Good news for women over 50 who use donor eggs
The biggest single-centre study of older women who used egg donation to become pregnant has reassuring news. A study published recently in the American Journal of Perinatology is the biggest single-centre study of older women who used egg donation to become pregnant. The research included 101 women and examined whether...
A note from one of our recipients
"I can’t believe it - my baby is a year old already. It has been a wonderful year that went by so fast. The baby has grown so much and remains so sweet. She is such a joy, she smiles quite a lot and her smile is contagious. She is...