Hello Wonderful Recipients!
First of all thank you both very much for my gifts. Most of all thank you for your kind words in the card. I have stuck the card up on the cupboard in my bedroom. I read it every day! I am proud of myself, this is without a doubt the most rewarding thing I have ever done!
It was the first time I had ever been under anaesthetic in my life and I was so scared of it (way too much time spent watching Greys Anatomy). My family all prayed that everything would be alright and it was.
On the morning of the retrieval I was a lot less nervous than I thought I would be.
I changed in to one of those not to attractive hospital gowns, climbed onto the bed and felt so calm and ready. I remember the anaethatist apologizing for the needle going into my arm and I laughed and said it is nothing compared to all the injections I had been giving myself.
The doctor rubbed my arm comfortingly and the next thing I was awake with a hot water bottle on my tummy and a muffin in front of me.
I gave my Mom an extra big hug from you because she really was there for me every step of the way. As soon as we got home I was ordered to the couch with a blanket and a bowl of warm oats 🙂
I am SO excited to hear about the eggs! I didn’t get any feedback so this is the first I’m hearing of it! 13 eggs! Wow!
I hope your embryo transfer goes well today. I will be thinking of you.
I can’t wait to hear good news in two weeks!
Lots of hugs and love,
Your Donor