Nurture Egg Donor Program

Identity Release Donation


What is Identity Release?

Identity release in egg donation refers to an arrangement where the donor agrees that identifying information, such as their name and contact details, can be shared with the donor-conceived child once they reach a certain age, typically 18, should the child request this information. This contrasts with an anonymous donation, where the donor's identity remains confidential.

Identity release allows the donor conceived child to access information about their genetic background if they wish to.

Why the need for Identity Release?

While in South Africa, egg donation is mostly done anonymously, many countries across the world either prefer or require egg donors to consent to Identity Release. This is because research has shown that it is in the best interest of the child to have the choice to find out who their donor was, when they reach the age of adulthood (18 years old). Some might not want to know; others would like to know. By agreeing to donate under Identity Release, we make that choice possible for the child conceived through donor eggs. If you have been selected to donate to an Australian, British, or American recipient, you will be asked whether you are comfortable proceeding as an Identity Release donor. The choice remains yours.


Who is able to Access my Information?

Nurture will make your identifying information available only to an individual conceived with the help of your donation, once they turn 18, and only upon their request.

We will not make your information available to the recipient parents, or any other third party.

What Information is Shared?

The information shared may include:

  • Your full name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your last known address, phone number and email address


Do I Have to Agree to be an ID Release Donor?

No, you do not have to agree to be an ID Release Donor. You have the choice to remain on our database as an Anonymous donor only.

However, if you have agreed to donate as an ID Release Donor, you can't withdraw your consent after your donation.


Addressing Your Concerns

We understand you might worry about a child unexpectedly showing up at your door. It is important to know that any inquiry from the child will be managed with great care and sensitivity. The young adult child will be advised on how to approach the situation respectfully.

Rest assured that, by agreeing to donate under Identity Release, you will not have any financial, parental, or other rights or obligations towards the child.

Choosing to become an Identity Release Donor is entirely voluntary.

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Egg Donors

Intended Parents