“I want to help you through this in any way that I can”

“Hello Mommy and Daddy-to-be!

 I just wanted to write you something to let you know that I am just as excited as you to get everything started!  I’m sure that you’re nervous as well and I want to let you know that I’m in this with you. You’re definitely not doing this alone.

 After I received the email stating that you’ve done me the huge honour of asking me to become your donor, I smiled all day and immediately sent an email to my Mom to inform her that I’ve been chosen. Then I told 3 of my closest friends, and whomever sat close enough to listen! After explaining the entire process to them and seeing their, at times horrified faces (the guys were freaked out, the girls – not so much), I had to answer the same question over and over…….


 Simple. Because I can. But it goes deeper than that. Because I want to help. Because saying that “I know how you feel” and “I’m here for you” doesn’t always cut it. Because no one knows what you guys went through, and how hard your personal journey has been. Also, it’s who I am. I want to be by your side (in this case, figuratively) and to help you through this in any way that I can.  If that means telling my boss that I need to visit a specialist every now and then, telling them that I need specialised medical care so that I can get two weeks of sick leave, injecting myself with hormones, going on a hormonal rampage in the chocolate isle in Pick’nPay if necessary, and allowing strange men (a.k.a, doctors) to see my vajayjay, then so be it!

 Because it really is the least that I can do.

 I’m being a good girl, promise. I’ve already gotten myself into the habit of drinking my vitamins, and I’m eating all the fruits that I can find (my new smoothie machine is helping a lot on that score!).  I am still working on the tons of water thing, but I’m usually so thirsty after bootcamp that it shouldn’t be an issue.

Overall, when things get tough, remember that I’m thinking of you.

All my love (and lots of blessings).


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Tertia Albertyn is the founder of Nurture - South Africa’s longest-running and most successful Egg Donation Program. An accomplished speaker and an award-winning published author, as well as an ex-infertility patient herself, she is highly regarded in South Africa and internationally for the work she does in infertility. Tertia was instrumental in establishing the first FDA-approved frozen donor egg bank in Africa. Tertia has an MBA from the University of Cape Town and lives in Cape Town, South Africa with her husband and three children.