“Thank you for letting me give back and help”

I just wanted to extend my thanks for the opportunity to donate.

Firstly to Melany and the Nurture team for providing opportunities where one (me) can give back and help someone.

Lastly and most importantly to Dr Heylen, for ALWAYS taking good care of me. I have just finished my donation and I feel good.

I hope all my eggs were of good quality and that the final step is a huge success!

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Tertia Albertyn is the founder of Nurture - South Africa’s longest-running and most successful Egg Donation Program. An accomplished speaker and an award-winning published author, as well as an ex-infertility patient herself, she is highly regarded in South Africa and internationally for the work she does in infertility. Tertia was instrumental in establishing the first FDA-approved frozen donor egg bank in Africa. Tertia has an MBA from the University of Cape Town and lives in Cape Town, South Africa with her husband and three children.